We produce fireproof articles whit syntetic and semi-syntetic fibers. Especially we produce a range of articles that are made for community and institutions.
Both products are supplied with their own certificate relesead by Italian Internal Minister which guarantees the quality of the fireproof feature.
Our expirience is built in over fifty years of activity, constant improvement of production techniques and protocols
Endless search and study of high quality materials and expert manifacturers is a crucial aspect of our company. We choose our best manifacturers in order to offer a high level quality final product.
Developement of new production protocols and technical
shrewdness is the fundament of our success and keeps our production up to date.
Lombarda Trapunte, founded in 1962, produces a wide choice of articles for bedding: blankets, plaid, quilts, duvet cover, carpets, sofa cov- er, pillows and many more. Thanks to the experience grown through the years and the presence into global international markets, the products we offer are available in a wide range of colors, designs and compositions. Our collections are created by the internal staff of technicians and creatives, which is fully involved in the production process of products that comply the customer needs and are obviously trend. We have the complete control on the whole production made by our staff into our establishments. This guarantees the quality and flexibility which allow us to satisfy the large retailers needs and the request for customized or promotionals articles. We only use the best fibers that come from selected partners with whom we work since many years.
Since 1962 we are in constant discussion and update to offer you a rich technical background of experience and high-level human.
Selection of raw materials, highly qualified and trained staff, Technologies, Automation, Quality Control and Innovation are the cornerstones behind our success.
The raw materials we use come from selected suppliers whit whom we work since many years
Essi commerciano solo i migliori tessuti composti con la selezione top delle migliori fibre animali sul mercato.
They trade only the best fabrics composed with the top selection of the best animals fibers on market.


Street Cav. Martinelli, 8/10
24026 Leffe (BG) – Italy
Phone: +39 035 733101
Fax: +39 035 733773
Email: info@lombardatrapunte.it

For over thirty years Lombarda Trapunte provides and produce it’s own energy through solar panels in total respect for the enviroment by offering products with low environmental impact.